Hi Shawn,

Our energy was absolutely crazy for a while. I was told that we had over 124 negative vortex's due to the 4 evil energy forms that attack us and kept trying to confuse me with the true readings.

Now that I have the proper 18 negative vortex's cured the energy is much better. Thank you so much for asking.

We lifted the toilet and put the rods right under the wax ring and secured them. It wasn't the easiest thing but it was doable.

We have also burned sandalwood incense and it has raised the energy too, thankfully. I still get attacked but not as much.

Now we are going to smudge our house with a sage stick to make it even harder for the evil entities to be in this house. In fact my neighbour actually saw these entities (so I know I am not imagining these things) and they truly don't like me talking to her because she has so many Hindu priests in her family.
We are trying to get a priest into our house to bless it and do and exorcism on it.

Thank you Shawn for your reply.