hello friends
i have tried to photoread a book for the first time after listening to the tapes "Paul s startling discoveries" at 36th minute he said that just intend the purpose and start fliping the pages in photofocus state that will get u into the state required for pring so i got a book insted of dictionary at that movement and made my purpose like this "what is the first word in the page 72 of the book and consciously repeated the purpose to maintain the present movement as told by cris payne in her tips to photoread and fliped the pages as i was fliping the blury pages in photofocus and suddenly i felt something bloom like a flash and turned the page back to my surprise it was 72 page i saw the word that's funny and i tried two more words that seems to be working but do we really get into the state reqired for pring just fliping pages in photo focus state?
once i went to mr svk my phsics lecturer and psyciatrist,he know brain functioning he knew about pringand long ago said that to enter theta state dont do all that just do the thing which u want(he ment fliping) and the brain will adjust itself but i didn't get him at that time but i tried it after listening to above tapes
plzzzzzzz help me out whether we get into state by just fliping pages.
when i mailed alex he replied like this:-
If you want to get into the flow with PhotoReading. Close your eyes take a deep breath
touch the top back part of your head and imagine the tangerine there. Affirm your
purpose and intent and flip the pages. PhotoRead the book.

Do that for 30 books over the next 3 days and you'll get into the flow state for PhotoReading.
will it really work