I think I've noticed some new tones (listening very carefully), so I don't really doubt the holosync part. However, it does seem that the voice parts (or at least some of them) are probably just taken from the original master recordings rather than being re-recorded (I can't confirm that's the case across the board - but I'm sure Paul wouldn't have been saying "tape" or "tape player" if he was re-recording specifically for the new CDs).

Since the paraliminals were already good, perhaps they didn't think about rescripting and re-recording them (I probably wouldn't have thought of it - "why fix it if it ain't broke?"). However, I think that once I realized that there was content that was specific to the medium on which it was being delivered, I might have rethought that decision. With technology continuing to change the way media is delivered, less medium specific language is an easy way to make sure the content can make a smooth transition -- so, for example, I wouldn't change the word "tape" to "CD", but rather to "recording" or "session". That way it will survive its next transition (like me ripping them from the CDs to be able to put on my iPod).