PhotoReading isn't about remembering the photographed page. It's processing the photographed page. An appreciable difference. It's the difference between being able to recite like a parrot or teach/ explain like a professor.

If photographic memory were such a great tool in conscious understanding we would never have dropped it as we grew up. Once we started understanding concepts we started compressing the information from photographic memory into meaningful units. It makes sense for me to say sit on a chair (a meaningful unit or idea considering how different chairs look in every home) and know you can understand what a chair is without you having to go back through your folder of photographic memories (which we still have but access faster because we've processed the information for meaning) to figure out what I mean by chair.

There is little point in PhotoReading if you plan only to store the information to "read later" from a photographic picture of the page.

Your mind will have processed the information. Learning the PhotoReading system helps you tap that knowledge rather than leaving it in storage. That's why I keep saying activate.

The more you activate the faster you get and the less you need to activate because you trained your body mind connection to tap that information.

PhotoRead once, Activate in multiple short layers. If you maths is poor take my word for it 6 times 20 minutes is less than 1 time 15 hours. (or 1 times 900 minutes)

Swarmi Vivekananda might be someone you want to read more about.
