Not to my knowledge if Chunyi has a "specific" meditation out there...but wait, let's take a another look at what IS already there.

In "Self-Concentration" we begin the meditation by letting go of our tensions by relaxing the physical body and joining with the emptiness. "You feel your body and the Universe, are merging together." This could be interpreted in many ways, but all in all, it is what it is. You feel your body merge with the Universe.

After this point, and for the remainder of the meditation, it can be implied that your body *IS* the Universe--since there is no separation between your body and the Universe anymore. Not only do you blend for the opening of the channels in your own body, but your intention to open goes outwards as well.

Keeping this in mind while doing your meditation, when you get to the point "Love, forgiveness, and kindness, are coming back to you...." would imply Universal and Unconditional Love for EVERYTHING, since you are still merged with the Universe. How could it not? Think of the energy of that moment, as if you are throwing a stone into a pool. The ripples go outwards and eventually, then will return to where the stone was tossed... When you intend that Love, forgiveness, and kindness return to you, you are in fact also sending that message outwards as well. It seems a little 'backwards' from the metaphor I just described, but everything is One anyways, so what you send out, comes back, what you bring to yourself, you send out.

When you get to the part where it 'gets quiet' and you are happily running around in the 'picture perfect world' in your mind. You can use this to just FEEL the love of the Universe, flowing through you and everything until the end of the meditation.

Anytime, you need a quick "boost" of Unconditional Love, just think back to that moment of your meditation, and recall the feeling of being One with the Universe and "Love, Forgiveness, Kindness are coming back to you..." but simply imagining to recall the energy, you are in fact, aligning with it, and sending it out once again--as if you are symbolically throwing another stone into the Universal pool for all to enjoy the 'ripples'.

With that in mind, we can learn so many new things just by simply going back and looking at level 1, now and then. I've heard that statement from a few other people around here--that they've been studying SFQ for years and still learn something new when level1 is reviewed. After all, what is a sturdy pyramid without a good foundation?

I sincerely hope this helps you in your meditations, wink


Last edited by Zakyrus; 02/28/12 06:40 AM.