Hi Jodi!

It sounds as if you tend to process very literally, which I also do. With regard to the taking care of the breathing, if you can go beyond the practicalities of the central nervous system doing the breathing, what is driving that system? What caused you to have a central nervous system in the first place? How incredible is it that you are here in physical form at all?

Once you start expanding your perceptions in this way, you start really tuning in to how miraculous it all is. This understanding will definitely expand as you work through the eight meditations in the Seeds of Enlightenment program.

If you received the program within the last thirty days we can extend your guarantee up to six months. You can do this via email, snail mail or a phone call. It might be prudent to do that, in light of your doubts.

With regard to the languaging, Jeddah does sometimes use some poetic license, but I really enjoy that. It feels as if I'm stepping out of the normal humdrum and into a magical realm. Try using it as a tool to hone your expansion skills by embracing it as best you can.

All the best to you!