Since applying the Paraliminals....

I've noticed change.

Got an extended 6-month contract at work.
*Positive attitude for having a job.
*Quickly becoming independent at my work.
*Looking forward to grow in my field rapidly.

Made an entrance at Toastmasters International.
*Winning Table Topics as public speaker.
*Speaking with purpose. (Opening, Body, Conclusion)
*Telling creative stories.
*Courage to announce what I desire to do, my intentions commitment done publicly.

Breakthrough in my relationships.
*Easily broke off old limiting relationships, and found new empowering ones.
*Better communication, plus learning 'second language' with family and friends.
*A feeling of personal excellence, just after Getting around to it paraliminal. This was during the Ultimate You Mindfest coaching series that triggered states of confidence.

Enhanced Photoreading Ability
*Personal Power Investment. Just after the superreading and dipping I did Memory Supercharger, and Personal Genius.
*Rapid reading ability, with flow.
*Love the metaphor Superman aerial.

I am thankful for the sequence and order of paraliminal Ultimate You Mindfest, major impact on my well being and future integration.

I cherish people nowadays. I am more competent. I love the work of Paul R. Scheele, he is a role model.