My most admired thought about the self-discipline paraliminal is that it unites our purpose with the values we hold strongest in our lives. This first paraliminal was during the ULTIMATE YOU MINDFEST, which inevitably created huge surge of energy to follow through, and determination in setting my goals and taking action on what is most important in daily actions.

My comfort I found with the self-discipline paraliminal is being able to imagine getting things done faster because I have more desire to spend lots more time in a specific purpose. I can project myself 10 years into the future and notice this will pay off in the long run.

My weekend was great while setting goals for life. I couldn't acknowledge any more the power it provides after playing basketball Saturday evening, this moment was legendary. it created emotions to being nice and teach a friend the fundamentals using the painted area for offense-defense. It's really worth the pay off spending more time on what really matters.

This past weekend I woke up early in the morning and first thing went jogging to the basketball court. To no avail players weren't there, but soon I got two guys for a game of 21 and one-on-one. My concentration, easiness, and determination were so essential I lost a few games in the beginning, but later WON all consistently!

I can provide proof from work, my average handling time of each client is more efficient and effective, as my team manager shown me the reports today. Not bad for my third month at the new job. I'm making it easier for myself, which now I have to spend more time on reading books when I'm not with clients. That is scary!!!