
I don't usually post in these forms since I haven't done the course, but hey, energy is energy.

If you haven't get into a practice like QiGong, Yoga, etc (or even just meditation) it'll definately bring you to a lighter vibration. (though sometimes you're almost needed in the 'dark' realms--think of what would happen to other people had you done nothing and were able to move out? Who knows how long it would go for...? Perhaps you're being there is to purify that location and help bring it to a higher resonance? After all, there is a lesson in nearly every'thing'.

What you've described is something simular to what I've seen previously.

I was meditating in my room and I keep seeing 'black sparks of light' (usually followed me around places, seemingly trying to 'troll thoughts--almost like ego is fishing the mind in order to get a respond or cause a 'distraction' --however, 'distractions' can easily become an object of meditation as well)

Another time I was outside practicing QiGong and for a very brief moment the world went dark and I saw a full-fledged "Grey Alien-form" only it was an all-black silloutte. I personally don't doubt their existance, nor do I fully accept their existance--after all energy is energy and has endless applications)

I figure the figure (pun intended) was more symbolic of an energy-state than anything, rather than an extra-dimensional entity 'bothering me' from some other plane. After all--were it real, it's risking "itself" to 'bother me' and I could just as easily turn it around and 'bother' "it". Rather than worry about such matters, kept on my practice and experiemented.

If I don't practice, things can get strange/abstract. When I do practice, things are also abstract, but lighter, brighter and thinking is much better overall.
