Namasta' Shawn,
Thanks for the feedback on my question. I would love to go to the retreat but unfortunately time is an issue for me at work. I wanted to become certified in Level I&II so I thought of the classes first. I know it states in order to teach you have to come back to be recertified in these levels which makes perfect sense. I am now thinking of Sept. if they have the classes then at Normandale College. August is a booming month for me so it will give me more time to study until then. I did buy the level III book and know alot of the information he teaches as I am a Reiki Master and a Certified Hypnotherapist which I apply alot of spiritual and energy techniques with both modalities. I thank you again for the info and hope someday I will be able to attend one or more of Chunyi's seminars. They look wonderful! Peace and Blessings, Diane