Hi Gerard 1975,
I understand your concern for your safety and health. I have only been practicing level I the exercises and level II the healing for others for about 2 months now. I can tell you that you must remember that you are channeling the Universal energy in your body when doing both levels and we know that the Universe has the highest respect and love for us. I would say start out slowly, but be sure to connect with your master first so you are working with energy from the Universe not just your own then it should be easier for you to do the exercises.
I have been quite ill and will tell you that even after one session of level I , I noticed an improvement in my health, and now I find it incredible how great I am feeling everyday even if it is only a quick 5 min. practice. I love this and have been recommending it to everyone I know. The healing I have been giving to others has had great feedback from anyone who has had one. Unbelievable!! As Chunyi states it is recommended that you still follow your doctors care. Good luck to you and many blessings, remeber Love Conquers All! Peace, Faerywhsp smile