Hi there,

I would like to share a revealing insight I just received regarding the nature of self-sabotage.

I just listened to Automatic Pilot-A.

I must say today's session was dramatically different from any other I've ever experienced.

Whatever I'm thinking right now regarding the nature of self-sabotage is making perfect sense to me, yet when I googled self-sabotage on the Internet, I could only find rehashed self-help guidance.

People seem to think of self-sabotage in terms of the effects of what self-sabotage really is. I don't think they understand what self-sabotage really is.

We often find people referring to the realities of their lives as the cause of their lack of success.

I discovered that playing victim is the real definition of self-sabotage.

When we think that circumstances are the cause of our suffering, we sabotage ourselves.

Abundance For Life is finally making sense... We are the hypnotists, entrancing ourselves when we find the cause of our suffering outside of ourselves.

Self-sabotage and self-limiting trance are the same concept.

Sabotaging influences on the outside are but a myth... What happens inside our mind when reality strikes, that's the real sabotage, what we perform on ourselves.

So, Automatic Pilot-A then empowers us from the inside out, and directs our attention to the skills we must develop to cope effectively with our challenges and reach our destinations safely, just the way an airplane constantly adapts to natural obstacles to reach the flight's destination safely.

100% responsibility for our lives (response-ability in whatever circumstances we might find ourselves in) is the empowering message of Automatic Pilot-A.

Please share your thoughts about this post.

Thank you,