Wow. Interesting ideas from Starchild! I can't say I agree with all of them, but some seem to weave around what I believe rather successfully. A couple of the parts that I definitely do NOT agree with is the part about the Enlightened Being who is to return to earth to separate the "chaff from the wheat" by eliminating those who cause fear and hatred, etc. and then bring peace and enlightenment to the rest. How does this Being eliminate them? What happens to them? You say there is no death, so I don't quite understand this elimination process. No death is another part I don't agree with.

In my understanding of the return of the Enlightened Being, yes, the "chaff" WILL be separated from the "wheat", but the "chaff" won't have to be eliminated or destroyed because they have not sought to allow for the free gift of enlightenment to occur within themselves, and are filled only with self, which is essentially emptiness, and is far, far inferior to the enlightenment that is offered freely by the Enlightened Being. They will be unable to maintain their beings in the brightness of the light of the Enlightened Being and fall dead away. Then those who would be referred to as "wheat", will be taken with the Enlightened Being to a Safe Place, away from the earth, to rest and learn for 1,000 years while the earth is left desolate.

After the 1,000 years, the "wheat" people and the Enlightened Being, and then God, Himself, will all return to the earth, for the final judgement of the "chaff" people, who will be resurrected to be given another chance to choose the free gift of Life, will admit that the free gift of the Enlightened Being was indeed the way to have gone, but still won't want to go that way and they will just sort of spontaneously combust. Then, with the earth cleansed of the "chaff", the Enlightened Being will speak the New Earth into being, just as in the beginning, when it was spoken into being the first time. The "wheat" people will have become so enlightened as to have "Heaven" within them, so "there is a New Heaven and a New Earth" because the former had passed away.

And, I do believe that the Enlightened Being is indeed Jesus Christ, Who isn't merely an Enlightened Being, but truly the Son of God, Self-Existant, (unlike other enlightened people, who are merely humans, albeit, highly enlightened) and that death is a very real thing, but there is no "eternal burning in hellfire", but merely non-existance, of those who refuse the gift of Life. I don't believe that God kills, nor do I believe that He would allow for His beloved human creatures to be tortured in eternal hellfire just because they didn't choose His way.

I believe that God is a Gentleman, Who won't force Himself on anyone, but offers His gift of eternal life to all mankind. He is the source of our Life Force, and without "the measure of faith", (which is another way of saying "enough life force to allow for life on earth" in order to make the decision whether to choose His way or not) we would perish from the face of the earth, with no awareness of anything. Life is NOT innate within us. We are allotted a life span to do with as we see fit, although, there are consequences within that span, for doing harm. "Bread thrown upon the waters", you know, return multiplied, whether good or evil. There are many principles of right and wrong in life and we are not left without guidance. God's perfect character of Love, as demonstrated by Jesus, is at the basis of all those principles and we are offered guidance in the most intimate manner, to live accordingly. ("HE will make us whiter than snow", "Christ IN us the hope of glory", etc.)

"The WAGES (something earned by working) of sin (falling short of the glory of God, which ALL humans do) is death (non-existence), but the FREE GIFT of God is eternal Life". We can't earn it - it's a free gift.