Namasta' Sidonis,
Are you sure you are allowing yourself time to connect with the energy of the Universe before beginning your exercises? Positioning your tongue if possible on the roof of your mouth and saying the password helps you to connect very easily to the energies of the Universe. It is here you may invite a healing guide to work with you. If you are truly connected you should feel wonderful after you exercises and you will notice a very fast pace at healing yourself. If you are frequently fatigued try doing at least a portion of the exercises. In the beginning I would start with just a couple from the beginning and would always do the finish with the ending exercises. Little by little you should be able to do the whole series. I have found that the password is wonderful to use even just to do meditation or if my animals need healing, it is such a great connection the the Universe and the more you use it with intention, the faster you will connect. I hope this has helped you some. Sometime we just don't have enough of our own energy to accomplish what we need to do so try the connection for everything.....It truly works and is amazing! Have a blessed day my friend, Faerywhisp smile