I've just been listening to the audios and not taking time to do the meditations and writing down anything lately, mostly because I can't seem to focus on a single issue to work on. I think I have sort of lost my enthusiasm for life in recent years and have felt "stuck", but I enjoy what Jack and Paul say and I do feel as though something fresh and new is rising up within my heart. I enjoy the candor, the intelligence, the continual seeking for something higher and the kindness of these two men so much! I have intentions of doing the work, but for now I am just enjoying listening to their stories and their instruction. (I believe I will have to invest in a copy of Jack's Chicken Soup for the Soul - hard to believe I don't have one already!) I have also been listening to the sermons of a certain evangelist from Australia and I see so much of what all of these men are saying being in the same vein. I feel like the lights are going on inside me! I think I will do the glass of water thing to help me remember my dreams tonight and for awhile, and see if I remember them better. I have pretty vivid dreams, anyway, so anything that helps me keep them in mind while I write them down would be good.