Hiya Alex,

This is the second mindfest for me. Last time i ordered the sessions and the paraliminals. Although I already own all the paraliminals, i found the coaching sessions (mp3's and transcriptions) really helpful as they contain different information than in the paraliminal accelerator.

I was looking forward to doing the same thing this time but i see that, this time, it only seems possible to obtain the coaching sessions (don't mind if it includes the 7 paraliminals as well even though i've got them - or 8, if you include the weight one as well) over the 7 days along with the rest of the paraliminals.

Is it possible to buy just the coaching sessions (and paraliminals) that are contained within mindfest 2013 instead of the whole shebang?

I could have written this as a private email, but i'm sure there are others on this forum who may read this and feel the same thing.

Looking forward to your reply.

Shari x