Patrick Libuda I would like to say I was inspired by your thread and by your genuine sharing and I revisited NOTICING, OWNING, PLAYING, STAYING. and I realized that this is a beautiful process.

Because what it really advocates is a CREATION beyond CONTROL. If you notice something and own something that is the only way it can truly be controled. So what do you want to do after controling it? You can do anything yo want? You can THINIK, DO, BELIEVE or any of those. But instead of doing something serious we do something light which is PLAY and when you PLAY you free yourself to TRULY be FREE and when you stay with it with that same attitude you really creeate something beautiful.

The photoreading process has gems in every page TRULY!

htese are just my opinions on the subject of course. they are subjective and such. GOD BLESS you, JESUS is GOD!