Hi Guillame,
How may times have you photoread both of those books now and in what time span? I found another connection with the idea of time travel with the Mayan calendar, the Zohar, and Sefer Yetzirah.

I saw very strong parallels with the 10 sephirot plus 3 ain/ain soph/ain sophaur and the 13 galactic tones of the Mayan calendar. Also the 22 paths in the Kabalastic tree of life and the 20 Sun Signs of Mayan calendar have striking similarities. I think that the Mayan calendar is the same as the Kabalistic Tree of Life.

I also found a connection with self hypnosis and time travel. Llewelyn publishes a book called" Doors to Past Lives & Future Lives: Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis "

I have photo read several books 6 to 9 times throughout each week for about 2 and a half months. No activation other than flipping through pages and stopping to read a few sentences every other day. I must say that just playing with the idea has really affected my dreams in a positive way.