Hi Magickdoggie! I've got some more info to put down here:

KABBALAH: I had recently commenced the Kabbalah course on-line & I have a tutor who I work with 1-on-1 via Skype. I can't do this at the Center itself in London because they do this in the evenings & I work in the evenings so it was best for me to study this on-line. I had worked through the on-line videos & had just finished Kabbalah Level 2...I had learnt so much! When I was being tutored my tutor mentioned that when you want to achieve a specific goal using the Zohar you first put the imagination in your mind to picture it then you scan the Zohar for as long or little as you want...you have to continually do this until the goal manifests. At the moment I am using the Zohar to get to a Canadian University then I will be able to progress from there...I muscled-tested myself to see which goal should I go for first & THAT 1 came up. There are so many goals that I want to achieve.

REALITY HACKING: I'm glad you mentioned this; I googled that term and there many interesting concepts about it. The way some people had said about this seems to me that we do live in an infinite universe where anything can happen I will read more on this indepth. I suppose in a sense that to be literal in that term is a case of going into your own reality to hack into it to change your history or someone elses for the better. Now as I was googling this term what surprised me was that I was led to a website by someone called Steve Pavlina - someone else on the PR forum here had given me his website & it is very interesting in terms of a broad range of subjects...he also goes on to discuss the same subject & more or less he has said the same thing but, I did notice that there's more...I will read his version more in-depth.

BACK TO THE FUTRUE MOVIE: I'm very sure you have seen that movie; I first saw it on TV back in 1987 xmas time - I LOVED IT!!! I've seen it so many times I can't get enough of it & I even possess the whole Trilogy on DVD. I also have seen many other movies on Time Travel. Thinking about it I do feel very strongly that 1 of my main goals is to find a way to time travel - I had been researching on this since I was about 16/17 years of age & I do believe I am getting a bit closer to this unique goal....see what you think.