Last time I looked I was and still am definitely female. And you made my point perfectly. You used your memory and to compare my "talk".

You say you've never experienced visualisation or seeing with the third eye. Rest assured visualising, seeing with the third eye and lucid dreams are all different mental constructs and they do look different.

Visualisation can best be described as trying to see through a dirty window. Yep you see blackness but still remember your way to the office. Men are particularly good at looking at a map and knowing which way to go. Like it or not it takes visualisation skills to do that.

It works from memory. What you remember what you've experienced. Nothing new has ever been imagined it's all been created before by building with memory.

You say you recognise images against blackness... why do you choose to make that form of visualisation wrong?

One oft overlooked thing when it comes to proper visualisation is to use all your senses, hear, see, smell, feel and touch with your imagination. Create with your remembered experiences.

And the original thread was is "Visualization is necessary, but I'm told it isn't" It isn't necessary for Paraliminals. It isn't necessary to succeed with the Silva Method, not in the way you think.

To succeed you take your memory against the blackness because if you can name it you have to visualise it. If you can name an apple red or green and know there is a difference you are visualising it against the blackness.
