Originally Posted By: WinW
First of all thank you for your reply, I was beginning to lose hope. And the answer to your question it not so much reinvention but modifying the process to work even better for me. Like win wenger says we want explorers not followers..

One of us is missing something.

Grossly you are taking Win Wenger out of context.

It's like going to Med School and saying "Im not going to follow that Cancer Protocol because I am an explorer not a follower. I know a better way".

Or getting a McDonald's Franchise (where you are contractually bound to follow procedures precisely) and saying (as you thump your chest) "I am smarter than all the folks in the worlds largest restaurant chain and I will make hamburgers my way. The reason is Win Wenger said to be an explorer not a follower."

I am not mocking you. I am mocking the idea. So many times in my life I thought I had a better way but I did not see the whole picture.

You might have a better way. But learn method "A" before you learn method "B". Than once you've learned "A" do your way, method "B" and you can "A" - "B" them.


I still think one of us is not getting the whole point.