Guillaume hi! I am getting these books and photoreading them. Are you doing mind maps on them? Let's share our ideas and thoughts on these books on this thread here. I'll get them, mind map them and then come back and post. Would you be interested in doing a syntopic photoreading project on Time Travel here?

Let's get a book list going. So far between the two of us I have the following:

1.Mary Magdalene , Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler

2. How the World Is Made, The Story of Creation According to Sacred geometry by John Mitchell/Allan Brown

3. Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
4. Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
5. Doors to Past and Future Lives : Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis - Carl LLewellyn Weschke

6.Garden Of Pomegranates - Israel Regardie

7. Exploring the Fifth Dimension: Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out of Body Travel by Bruce Goldberg

8.Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku

Any books you want to add feel free. Let me know if you're interested in doing this project and what your time constraints are.

Happy weekend to you Guillaume!

Last edited by Magickdoggie; 08/17/13 03:24 PM.