Hi magickdoggie! Hope you're doing well...there's something I want to add which will certainly interest you very much; it happened to me a few days ago. I was in my bedroom getting ready for work & all of a sudden the book "The Daemon" by Anthony Peake flashed at me & the page no. 297 came into my head like a little voice. So I followed my intuition and read p.297; the result was ASTOUNDING! What is it was to do with the late Philip K Dick...he was able to predict the future quite accurately (Anthony Peake has mentioned him a few times in his other books). Also, more interestingly Anthony Peake has written a book about him titled "A life of Philip K Dick - the man who remembered the future". That book will be releasd in November 2013. I will DEFINATELY buy that book when it's released because I know that it will hold other keys to Time Travel.