Welcome back Cris,

Visualisation for all intent and purpose means to mentally construct an image by putting together or imagining. This can only be done with memory. Of things we've seen, heard and experienced.

What you're looking for with the 3rd eye experience is something else again. Here you're delving into the area of metaphysics. Your Bee Gee example is more in the realm of telepathy and tapping what is known as the collective mind. Everyone taps that, that's were ideas spring up from.

Coming back to visualisation and the loss of the ability to mentally see with clarity, which is what I understand you are looking for to succeed with using the Silva Method is dropped when the logical brain starts taking over. When we develop language. It discovers that there is a faster way of processing. So Chair becomes something that one parks their rear end on to sit but, in reality there are more chairs that could be drawn with the minds eye. Even two identical chairs in a room are unique. So in order to move ahead faster the mind only fills in the necessary details.

If you saw what the eye actually sees you'd be surprised at your eyes open visualisation skills. The brain paints a picture so it's not surprising when we miss stuff right in front of our nose.

As I said the skill severely atrophies as we get older and by the age of 40 most have very little skill seeing eyes closed visualising.

There are techniques that can recover the skill, thankfully the proof of our brains neuroplasticity is helping more to "believe" that they can acquire the skill again.

One method is to play with the technique taught in the Genius Code Course yes in the beginning the images seem more vague but they do develop more minds eye clarity. Like you I find it difficult to describe. It's like describing the colour red with words. Visualisation is different to seeing with the third eye and different to lucid dreaming. It's also more fleeting than those two experiences. We need to slow down and hold the image more, that's where the Genius Code Course helps.

Another technique that enhances visualisation skills is is to stand in front of a picture and then close your eyes to see it. It too helps to describe it out loud. A Silva Instructor challenged someone difficulty visualising to do this 10 minutes. It was interesting when that person returned from the break reported it became a bit easier. This instructor also took the fruit exercise from the course further.


Which doesn't really amount to much. So, say I visualize, per you and Silva, a red apple against, not just a wall, but total blackness, the image of the red apple is lost in the blackness. So, what good does it do?

None because it's static. With your minds eye bring in a knife or sword, make the handle of the sword ornate and then cut the apple in half and if you do it with a good swing...

You need to repeat the exercise and change the objects. It needs exercise to develop that atrophied skill.


Which doesn't really amount to much. So, say I visualize, per you and Silva, a red apple against, not just a wall, but total blackness, the image of the red apple is lost in the blackness. So, what good does it do?

The Silva secret. The fundamental 3

Desire, Belief EXPECTATION

I emphasise expectation because unless we expect to succeed we won't. We get exactly what we expect.

All I know is that if I am indeed visualizing, by the things I have described, then how does it come to the forefront where I can see, smell, hear clearly those memory-like things?

You fake it until you make it. You trust what you're getting and run with it. Take it from there where you are. Right now you're analysing it into the bin. Yet I think you're throwing it away too soon.

With your post, I'm getting the understanding that you're looking to get the visualisation skills right to succeed manifesting using the Silva Method.

As a Certified Silva Ultrarmind Instructor. I can tell you that the visualisation aspect is largely creative memory.

If you've ever been given driving directions, turn right at the lights after the X landmark, you've created, visualised a route before you saw it.

What I've worked out, is we visualise and we visualise well, we just do it to sonic fast for our conscious mind. And we need to slow it down. That's were visualising fruit against a black background is a good place to start. Because fruit looks appetising against a black background and it's traditionally painted that way. Try looking at an orange against an orange background and then change it to pink.

Another way to develop visualising skills and this is one for those who want to develop their intuitive psychic skills is to actually put the fruit in front of you. Study it, memorise it. Feel it, smell it and memorise that. Notice also your feelings, what energy, imagine if you will, do you sense. If you could see it what do you think it would look like.

What you're doing is creating a database and reference point.

Like going into the metal and leaf exercise in the Silva course. They create reference points. For what you perceive. Then you will have more clarity when see, smell,hear touch what you create with the minds eye (visualise).

With that database you will also have greater access to the collective mind and like the Bee Gee brothers see the lyrics already written.

Without that database you preconscious processor removes what it doesn't recognise.
