Hi Jesper!

You bring up an interesting point that involves one of my concerns with The Secret DVD, which did such an incredible job of exposing so many people to the Law of Attraction, Universal Energy and the Power of Intention. It inferred that as long as you set up a clear intention, vivid vision board, do regular affirmations, etc. all you have to do is sit on your porch and wait for the Ferrari to show up, the bank account to grow, or whatever else you are hoping to manifest.

However, if there is an underlying belief of “I am not worthy, it will be impossible to achieve, I can’t, it won’t, I’ve never, I will never” etc., until you deal with that subterranean conviction, the manifestation will be stymied by that disbelief. That is where the Sedona Method comes in, because if you release (or welcome or dive into) whatever is coming up, you gradually weaken the hold those limiting thoughts and beliefs have on you. When you stop resisting, an entire world opens up for you.

I’m not clear whether you posted on Jeddah’s forum because you are working with her materials as well as the Sedona Method. If you do have Jeddah’s Changing the Paradigm series, I think you will find the “Self Acceptance” and “Self Responsibility” meditations from the Embracing Freedom course very liberating. Once we accept exactly where we are, we allow ourselves to step into all we can become.

That old adage “what you resist persists” is so true. Try saying to yourself “I accept myself as I am and I release what I no longer need.” That acceptance simply acknowledges where you currently are, like the “You are here” dot on a map. Knowing where you are is crucial to plotting out your route to your desired destination. Until you know that, you have no idea which way is forward.

For me, it feels as if an intention is purposefully embracing the energy of being that which you seek. This way of “being” gives direction to the energy of the Sea of Awareness, which then molds itself into the shapes and forms that fulfill that intent.

A focus feels more like an external, outwardly oriented step that leads to action. That is why Jeddah says on the “Intention and Feedback” meditation in Seeds of Enlightenment that we are not sending an intention (action, aka doing), but holding an intention (being). This may be just semantics, but see if that gels with your internal feelings.

In any case, enjoy the amazing journey to everything you desire!

With love,