Hi Magickdoggie...hope you're well. I just wanted to post my results on the book I PR titled "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. I actually PR it ages ago & Mind-Mapped it as well which gave me some interesting results. When I studied my Mind-Map I noticed I put words down in relation to God & Jesus Christ. For one there was a reference to the Lords' Prayer and then about DNA being the God Eternal within the body. Then again in reference to Jesus where he talks about speaking to the universe. And whilst I was thinking about this I immediately thought about the book "Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple" in which was put in our list of books. Now what this tells me in some ways we can ask the universe to help find a way to time-travel; it's kind of a cosmic-ordering so as to speak.

There's something even more weird from a PR point of view that happened to me but it is good! On an earlier post I explained about the book The Daemon by Anthony Peake when p.297 flashed out at me out of nowhere & it was about Philip K Dick. Now this is the weird part...again with the same book p.288 flashed out at me for no reason, it had done a few times. So what I did took out the book & looked at p.288 - it was the beginning of Chapter 10 which profiles on Philip K Dick. Believe me I was totally astounded! So with that book I am going to PR it again & focus ONLY on Philip K Dick because I feel there are more answers there especially to do with Time-Travel.