
I have a set of paraliminals and I decided to create an audio track so that I may listen to it while sleeping.

I have: Personal Genius, Get Around to It and Memory Supercharger. Now I also has have Centrepoint's Holosync.

My track is comprised of the following:

-Holosync Quietude (Alpha)
-Holosync Oasis (Theta)
-20 mins silence
-Personal Genious (3rd track)
-20 mins silence
-Memory Supercharger (3rd track)
-20 mins silence
-Get Around to It Part A (3rd track)
-20 mins silence
-Get Around to It Part B (3rd track)
-20 mins silence
-Holosync Oasis (Theta)
-Holosync Oasis (Theta)

What do you guys thinks of it?
Does anybody have any better suggestions?

Thank you,