Hi mgagickdogie! This week just gone I had managed to PR 'The Daemon' by Anthony Peake and 'Exploring the 5th Dimension' by Bruce Goldberg I will give my conclusions.

EXPLORING THE 5TH DIMENSION: When I looked at my mind-map 1 of the 1st thoughts that came into my mind was the year 3050. What it is Dr. Goldberg stated that it will be in that year that people will finally be able to "time-travel". But, I beg to differ so as to say...because after reading Jenny Randles books & Anthony Peake's books it had seemed that some people may have time-travelled already in this life-time and also before we were born. But Dr. Goldberg does have good input into this. There were words that did spring out at me & they were: Astral-Plane, Hypnosis, New Age & Other Dimensions. I'm not too exactly why they seemed to attract to me but, what it could be is is that Hypnosis can be used to travel along the Astral-Plane & hence we can travel to other dimensions & also time travel. When I read the book again I will see what other answers I'll come up with.

THE DAEMON: When I PR this book again I focussed mainly on Philip K Dick (PKD), the former Sci-Fi writer. What it is PKD had a form of schizophrenia which he had suffered since he was a child & it had carried on until his death in 1981. But, what was interesting when he had an episode of a fit he could easily see into the future. And on a number of occasions he would speak to this light-being called his "daemon" who would tell him certain things about his future. It was also stated that this "being" informed PKD when he would meet his death.

Right, let me explain where the word "daemon" came from. It was more or less discovered by a Christian group called the Gnostics (this is where the word 'Agnostic' came from). They were the ones who believed in this being...but, what had happend the Catholic Church had tried to suppress it by making negative comments about it then by renaming it DEMON i.e. they had demonized the word. Many of the Gnostics were murdered by the Catholic Church due to this. In the ancient times of Atlantis it was said that the great Philosopher Plato had also discovered this daemon (in those times it was called daimon) & he had spoken to it too. In more modern terms the daemon is your higher-self which can see into anyone's future. In Anthony Peake's books there had been many cases where people had spoken to this "being" & it had changed the course of their history. The former French-Soccer player Zinedine Zidane had also encounted his daemon back in 2005 & what had happened he returned to International Soccer with France.

What this is telling me is that this "Daemon" certainly holds many keys to Time-Travel...if we focus more on our daemon we would DEFINITELY be able to time-travel...the only question is how do we access our daemon & how do we use it to time-travel?

Another word which also popped out at me was "Zohar" which is quite interesting because "Kabbalah" was mentioned before...my thoughts are that can the Zohar be used to access our Daemon?

See what you think!