I have a response starting with one's ID but moving on to wider issues on ID.

I think using a specific name is down to creating or being and having a specific identity. Maxwell Maltz (the creator of Psycho Cybernetics) suggests that we all move towards what we want ourselves to become - that is our identity, or self image. The perceived strength of our self image - reflected in our self worth, esteem and confidence can ultimately either propel us forward in life or hold us back from what we could achieve. Choosing an identity or serveral on that journey thru life may well be reflected in how we wish to be perceived by others - hence names, pseudonyms and our outward projection of self, how we dress, live, the symbols that reflect our character, mission etc.

I believe our perceived identity is probably the gretest motivating force within us. It projects us forward or hinders our development. A friend of mine used to run training workshops on ID and Life Management and he started his sessions by asking this question........."If you were to compose your obituary, a short statement about how you lived your life that would appear on your headstone, what would it be?" He often joked that it probably would not say, "I wish I spent more time in the office" or " I was too busy earning a living to live my life".