Hi magickdoggie! In my last post I stated about a book I PR'd & then mind-mapped in 15 minutes. The name of that book was "Can we travel in time?" by Michael Brooks. I was looking at the mind-map I did for this & these are my conclusions for this: The "Theory of Everything" (TOE) states that anything can happen & also I was looking at another word associated with this & it was "butterfly effect" (I saw the movie not that long ago on TV). I'm not too sure indepth why these 2 words came up. Then this was what I would say a mini "A-ha" moment..."Philip K Dick" & 2 words associated with him was "Matrix" & "Perception of Reality". Then I had thought of E=mc^2 & Wormholes...I suppose in a way there are cracks in "time" so as to say. I will add more input very soon.
