Good day,

I am searching for suggestions. I have reciently purchased Pure Energy, the new Visualiminals, Walkabout and I have Sonic Access on the way as well. I also have most of the Paraliminals, including the Paraliminal Accelerator.

I am trying to find a mix/combination that will help me rejuvenate. I need guidance in how to coordinate all this into something usable/useful.

I am finishing up my Master's degree (will finish on June 16th) and find myself physically and mentally exhausted. I am almost 52 and returning to University work has been very mentally and physically exhausting after being away from such work for over 30 years.

I poured everything into this for the past 2 years and have almost achieved my goal. I am a kindergarten teacher (31 years) and to be honest I find myself these past 2 months physically and mentally exhausted - I still love teaching but am not as physically and mentally energetic as it requires. I need to rejuvenate over the summer and be ready to return to my classroom fully energized and focused on doing my very best in the classroom.

However, I also need to refocus on my family as they have received the short end of my patience and time these past 2 years. My husband and I have been married 30 years and we have a 20 year old son. My husband is long term ill and cannot work; our son is profoundly gifted, however he has dyslexia and slow processing speed, therefore he requires a lot of support in his college work.

I need suggestions on which CD's or pattern of CD's I should listen to? I spent many hours last weekend going through the programs of study and what is available from LSC, however I really go into overwhelm at the thought of an entire program to work through / process which is why I purchased Pure Energy (quick for when I’m short on time); Visualiminals (I’m very visual); Walkabout (outside in the fresh air); and Sonic Access (go deeper).