Hi everyone, I purchased the Diamond Feng Shui course a few weeks ago and I am really struggling with activating personal directions in my bedroom. I apologise in advance for the long post but i have several questions to ask and I am really hoping that someone can help me:

1) It states in the manual to stand in the middle of the room, but i cant because my bed is in the centre. Do i stand at the edge of the bed to find my personal directions or do i go to each corner compass the corners that way (if that makes sense)? Where do i stand in my bedroom to figure out personal best directions?

2) I have fitted wardrobes with sliding doors that spans one side of my wall and hits in one of my personal best directions (North). The wardrobe front is around 50cm deep (i think), so would that corner (from where the doors are) still be classed as north? Secondly, can i put activations on top of the wardrobe or do i place them infront of the wardrobe?

3) My bedroom door is also in my partner's personal best directions (East). Can activations be hung on the door? In addition, our bed (headboard) is on both our personal best directions (SE for health and relationship), which is on the same wall as the door so the door opens towards us. I suppose we can hang our activations above our headboard but is the layout an issue? If so how can i get around this?

4) I am taking medication, which before I started this course were kept in my bedroom in my success corner, and now i have put them in one of my worst directions, however, i don't know if thats a good thing as it relates to my health and i dont want my health to worsen. Do you have any suggestions of where i can now keep my medication?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.