Hello everyone,

I am a beginner. I have been following this forum since last year when my PRWMS book arrived. I was hugely disappointed for the initial days, but the queries, answers and suggestions on this forum helped me regain my faith in PhotoReading.

I have a few questions-

1. In traditional linear reading, many times we end up reading many things we are not really interested in for the time being, but could make use of in future and we may remember a part of it, just because our conscious mind has attended it.. Can this happen with PhotoReading? Can one make herself a deep sense of familiarity with entire text regardless of her interest in the material at the moment? If yes, then how should one set her 'purpose' for the same?

2. I have kept no time constraints for my initial days of Practicing PR. I believe, the more I use the system and practice it playfully, the quicker I will get the results. I am focused on executing all the steps correctly and effectively.
But then I find myself getting too much attracted to 'rapid read'. I prepare, Preview, PhotoRead, and then rapid read everything for manual activation. I end up evicting 'postview, super read, dip and mindmaps' almost everytime. I have got no success in with it yet.
Will evicting all 'post PhotoRead' steps and just sticking to rapid read yield any result? will it help in effective activation?
(My 'purpose' for my academic books has been 'to establish a deeper familiarity and understanding; so that I can answer any question effectively'. )

3. How to set a purpose for a book you are interested by its name but are not aware of exact contents?

4. Reading with conscious mind gives you a 'feel' to have had read and covered each word. (though we may barely understand and recall much at first read) this helps in objective type exams (choosing one out of other four/five entries). Does PhotoReading give you such a 'feel' after activating the books multiple times?

5. Can we set purpose for PhotoReading to assist in recalling word associations, and random abstract information, order of words/sentences? (such as in puzzles,General awareness Books, timelines in History etc..)

Thanks in Advance..