When people say, no luck with activation I need to know, what was your purpose? What was your purpose for the biography? What did you want to know about that person and how do you see yourself using that information?.

The complete idiot guides, are usually textbooks, and take about 24 hours of reading. So I assume you did activation layers to the equivalent of 5 hours (or 8 hours at 1/3 the time) What was the purpose?

If the book didn't suit your purpose, dump it and find one that does. Once you start trusting your body mind connection you know that the book does or doesn't suit you, and you will activate or dump straight away.

And I often find the purpose is flaky for beginners. Like I want a concept of this book. Riiiiight... Do you know the meaning of concept? If you do you'd know you don't even need to PhotoRead most books for a concept. Just read the table of content - that's a concept of what the book is about.

Then I want to absorb the information in this book. Absorb... and what does a sponge do when it absorbs as much as it can? Nothing but leak a little, and is that what you want to do leak or do you want to do something with that information.

So watch your purpose. Both those work but if people tell me they have got nothing from their activation when they use the word absorb or concept. They are telling me they don't know their purpose. To me absorb, is the PhotoReading step, PhotoRead a book and if that's the extent of your purpose you're don't

Concept is a preview step, Yep once you've previewed the TOC you've got the concept.

Where to from there... well that depends on your purpose.

Without a real purpose your questions won't get you anything.

If you need to know a subject get to know the authors train of thoughts. And guess what? That's explained in the PhotoReading book. Activate that section of the book.

Why what could be your purpose? To learn what an authors train of thought might be, SO THAT I CAN apply it to activation / to my reading / can understand what I'm reading better/ apply what I'm reading to my life.

As for wanting it all in one 20 minute activation layer. The majority cannot even traditionally read the first 20 pages in that time. So how can you expect to be finished within 5 minutes of activation without a purpose.

Yes with traditional reading in 20 minutes you know even less. Even if you activated poorly you know more than you would lingering over the first 20 pages of a book and that's being generous. It takes most people 20 minutes to read 13 pages.
