i am no expert i'm sure Alex will reply to this but i wanted to share that you are doing pretty well.

From my perspective (strictly this should not limit you though,its only meant to be supportive!!!)
you are too impatient for results and have to build on your success get 4 to 5 books completely ,experts may say this is not required but in my case this helped me to know that i don't need everything from the book,that cleared me with my purposes ,that cleared me with the type of questions i want answers to,it helps a lot.Get 4 to 5 books to gel completely,meaning total conscious comprehension.
Also work on detailed mind-maps this also helps!!!!

You are also having a conflicting belief which you must resolve "... other text doesn't seem much familiar. But it gives full comprehension on the go. " It seems to me you still have an underlying belief that one has to read everything in order to understand everything.Isn't it interesting to know that inspite of missing out of so many aspects of the text you are still gaining comprehension.

How so?that's the beauty of photoreading.THe text is already there in your non-concious mind,you activate to get conscious comprehension.That's why with each activation you get faster results that's why Paul says 4 to 11% of the entire text has greater relevance,they carry all the meaning .

You activate to get 4 to 11 % of these golden nuggets to comprehend fully for your purpose.
Looks to me you are at conscious incompetence stage.Where you are getting results but you still to put in more practice,you are aware...By just doing more, stepwise you will be consciously competent and then move ahead.
Thats why Alex appreciated me on my earlier post on "Mindprobe",really get into "what you want from the book from the chapter and improve on the questions?" the techniques will start getting automatic.

More so check your limiting beliefs...why read everything to get what you are getting with reading a few ? interesting isnt it?This applies to novels too ,i know see myself super reading novels wherein i just pick words and phrases and i am gaining complete comprehension of the text,infact a better feel of the novel ,very interesting!!!!

Actually Super reading and skittering differ only in technique the outcome is same!!!you pick the scheme of the author ,pick relevant words and phrases and get full comprehension of the text.

Hope this helps.