Its like bringing a lot of information into something definite by searching for a word or a phrase and the whole text comes active to you.You realise you understand a large part of the text by searching the 4 to 11% of the text that really carries meaning.

This is what I needed! I had been wondering how the PR step helps us, and this is it! You see, I have had the system work for me but not the way you described; so was nervous about the 'exciting' part of the system that makes one stick to it.

and we dont want to believe that 4 to 11% of the text will open up everything else literally

Actually, this is where I am stuck at. My hunches havent started guiding and it feels to dip at every paragraph.and after rhythmically perusing, it still doesnt make much sense. I keep passing over it after intervals, and it keeps on not making much sense each time. crazy But happy with all of the experiences though smile

No, I havent practiced speed reading. The entire PR system revolves around 'purpose' and mind probing questions. Setting a 'working' purpose is no easy task for me.

After my first breakthrough, I am going to ask Alex why and how our 'other than conscious' responds to our purpose and why improper purpose leads to no success at PR.

