Originally Posted By: Alex K. Viefhaus

...Repeat superread and dip later or even skitter later if you want to analyse.


Thanks. Two questions:

By that should I deduce that I should analyse just after many activation layers and just as a final resource?

What about very difficult technical books? Don't you think that in some moment we have to stop and analyse deeply a text passage?

ps.: by analyse I mean to stop at a certain passage and think about it, use other intelligences(interpersonal intelligence, musical intelligence, etc..), make draws, explain what I've read to myself, make a song with the knowledge, etc...

The point is that I don't if I should stop and analyse or if I should keeping moving on to another part of the book. On the photoreading book (rapid reading chapter) Paul said that is better not to stop more than once on a specific passage (he said that this is part of old reading habits)and suggested to keep moving on to other text parts. Maybe this information confused me a little bit.

Last edited by maxmeida; 09/10/14 04:07 PM.