Hi all PR Time-Travel enthusiasts! I trust everyone is good & well. I want to give some more interesting results. Enjoy!

THE LIFE OF PHILIP K DICK - THE MAN WHO REMEMBERED THE FUTURE BY ANTHONY PEAKE: Reason why I have again picked this book is because I wanted to elaborate more on what I found. If you all re-call I mentioned I saw p.97 of the book when I was doing my Holosync meditation. Now this gets more interesting! I had more page nos. from the same book that appeared to me during the Holosync meditation and they were 137 & 38. Not too sure why this had happened but I did check both pages out; but, at the time nothing flashed out at me. Then what happened again when I did my Holosync meditation the 3 page numbers I saw (in order) 97, 137 & 38 seemed to have formed a HEXAGON (see below):

9 7

1 3 7

3 8

Now this gets even more interesting! From the no. 1 there when you go round the hexagon in a clockwise direction then you'll form a spiral in the middle of no. 3. From no.1 the first 4 nos. obtained is 1977 - the year I was born in; then after that you get no.8 which is the 8th month (August) the month of my birthday and with the two 3's you get 3 x 3 = 9 the date of my birth. Now how weird is that?

Carrying on with the same book; on my mind-map I noticed the word "I Ching" (pronounced yee-jing) popped out at me which means "Book of Changes" in Chinese Spiritual Wisdom. When I researched more into this I found out that PKD had used this method a few times to write his stories when he got stuck. I also realised that "I Ching" is mentioned a few times in the Diamond Feng Shui course pack (I've had this since 2010). When I delved more into I came to realized that I need to purchase I Ching coins which will help me immensely - I also believe that I Ching can be used to time travel.

TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE BY DR. BRUCE GOLDBERG: When this forum was in its early stages I remember magickdoggie & I put some books on the list; I was so glad he put down 'Exploring the 5th Dimension' by the same author. Because what it did for me was to buy more books by this man (I've got 4 of his). Now with this book I followed the 4 steps of PR & let it incubate over night then the next day I activated it including doing a mind-map. Before I rapid-read the book I did the "Wind-Tunnel" exercise - now when I did this I had the word "Stonehenge" pop out at me plus I had an image of this place as a FULL CIRCLE. Not too sure why this had happened! But, then when I rapid-read the book from beginning to end there was a chapter in there which mentioned about a man who was regressed back to the time of Stonehenge. It was founded out that it was built to accommodate space-ships when they landed on Earth. That is it was an Ancient form of an airport for the extra-terrestrial visitors. People should get this book it has a lot of interesting information.