what I discovered, is in the first activation I felt I got nothing but I wrote something on my mind map. That I chose to acknowledge was something although not much to say I was getting the book. It wasn't until the 3rd activation layer that I started seeing the book come together and that I was in fact relating to it. By the end of the last activation I knew I was finished. I wasn't sure I would be finished at the next one at the end of the 5th but by the end of the 6th I was finished. Actual time with the book was 2 hours. The time I set aside was 3 hours. I included breaks and wanted to finish the book in a 3 hour sitting. Traditionally it would have taken me 21 hours (if I actually read a book that long I never finished one of that type, it took me 2 hours to get through the first chapter.)

So Alex, you talk about activation layers. Does that mean you active the same text several times? So if I am trying to activate a chapter in a book, I would do that several times until I get it, provided I have a good purpose and questions?

Thanks again,
