You do the activation layers on the chapter until it all comes together whether that takes 10 passes, 20 passes or 30 passes you do it until it all comes together and you will definitely know when it comes together you will know that you got all that you could from the chapter.

Ok, you basically repeated what Alex said. My question was simply, does that mean I activate the same material until I get it? A simple yes would have sufficed there.

Let go of the need to have it all now on the very first pass that is the old, ineffective reading strategy that you learned when first learning to read it is not a effective strategy.

I am not expecting everything at once. I am expecting something. I don't get this whole, "play with it" thing. I have expectations. It does not make sense to me to go at this without some expectation. If I don't have any expectation, then what good is it?

Purpose, Mind-Probe & Questions are HUGE.

I got that from the many posts.

