Often linear reading is compared on the forum with photoreading and is often underrated and poked fun at. Many claims are made that are completely baseless. This convinces a novice that what they have been doing all their life was ineffective. They take up photoreading with varied expectations. Ones with huge expectations and preconceived ideas find this system doesnt deliver in some areas. They think they are doing something incorrect. They seek help, but still many are left confused and irritated.
There actually is nothing wrong with these people. And there definitely is nothing inappropriate with their reading 'purpose'. They just need to realise to adjust their expectations and areas of application of the system. This doesnt quite happen the way it should be, and they end up concluding photoreading is useless.

There are people who have given up regular reading for photoreading. What reading goals do these people have ?
how much do they really extract in those 2 -3hours of total activation?
1. There are people who are done when they get merely the structure of the book.
2. There are people who are done with a book, once they are able to fairly guess what the book is about.
3. There also are people who feel success with reading when they just find that painted stork they wanted to look for.
These all are successful. They got their purpose done. And they did it in 30 minutes!
Impressive? Yeah, may be.

Seriously, why would one need to form a purpose- preview- trigger words- photoread- postview- superread and mind map to find something in the book!!? preview it once, look at the index, and skim through a section, and you are done in less than 10 minutes! No regular reader unless one is out of his mind, starts from page one to the end of the book to find information on a painted stork. The index is enough to give the directions necessary, if not, a short preview is enough. And mindmaps, one can make them with linear reading as well.

When one reads a 200 pages book spending 9 hours, he doesnt merely look for a painted stork in it or pushes his eyes stupidly across the pages. To look up for something, 10 minutes are more than enough regardless what type of reading system you employ.
If the preconcious processor comprehends the text bypassing the filters of conscious mind, then you would understand it on the go when you just regular read the text after photoreading it! but it doesnt happen that way. You need to ask questions you want answered and seek answers with the help of the book. This surely is the best suitable for books that have a few main ideas. Those who classify only a 4% information in a book useful, what you do people read for at first place!? why spend money for that 96% text you dont need? Also does it mean a photoread friendly book if ever published will comprise of only 5 pages!?

Had it been just for curiosity and purpose, we would hardly have seen any struggler. But it is not so. There are many who have struggled, tried, improved but finally given up. Because its not just the purpose that is holding these people back. It is in their expectations from the system.
