Keep going. That track is a start, and how do you know you are calm, how to you know the feeling is emptiness? Where or what is absent for you to have those feelings.

As I intended to point out in the previous post. The feeling range and depend on what you're doing. That's where it's worthwhile doing the exercise at different times in the day 30 times a day. It becomes a powerful tool.

It works by connecting you with yourself. We grow up learning that things about us are not right, certain feeling should be suppressed, why if they are just energy in the body. I'm not saying that if you feel rage you need to act on it. Most people don't notice that they are suppressing rage and wonder why their body is so tense. It makes a difference if you can be aware of where in your body you are feeling that rage, notice it.

Interesting stuff happens when you notice. I won't try to explain that because it's really something you want to experience.

Somewhere I mentioned, it ca take doing the exercise 30 times a day for up to 3 weeks. Though for most it won't take that long. The moment you get it.... you'll know.

Not Erickson. Arnold Patent is the one who put it out there in that form.
