
I have accumulated around 45 hours of regular image streaming and 10 hours of high thinktank methods such as hidden question and question sandwich techniques (speaking loudly to myself without a tape recorder) between 10 Dec 2014 and 5 March 2015, averaging around 40 minutes per day. I have tried to search for meaning and done debriefing to another medium after about one-fourth of the sessions. I experienced several beneficial effects such as improvement in memory, improvement and ease in handwriting, enhancement in IQ level, better presence of mind/situational awareness, ability to write poetry better and longer, etc. For further benefits in intelligence and creativity and in more diverse spheres, is it best to continue with regular image streaming and high thinktank methods (without a partner) or should I switch to the use of some other methods (other than heldbreath underwater swimming, for lack of access to a swimming pool.)?