
Placing the einsteins to important paragraphs is how photoreading works? There are many reading goals, example, reading to analyse, reading to remember, read to absorb most of the content and not just a few things.. and thus for textbooks this wouldnt be of any use!
The same is true with mind maps. It is used as a note taking tool and it need not assist in long term memory.

That's what I grabbed from it when I first learned PhotoReading. One places the Einstein's according to purpose. It still works. You read the sections that pertain to your goal. You don't really to read everything.

Reading everything is not really making optimal use of your conscious mind and time. When the greater consciousness is able to process a whole book in minutes. Trusting the greater consciousness and training the conscious mind to wake up to the information from the reader consciousness is like placing the Einstein's at the passages you need to consciously be aware of.

What are you doing during those multiple passes? Tell us some of the questions you've asked during a pass of a book.

well, with the initial two passes and no comprehension, the level of frustration is so high, one can hardly feel like moving ahead.. I know how much courage and patience it takes to move ahead.

You've never read my experiment have you? It's been posted on the forum a few times since 2002.

I understand the power of giving up and I keep suggesting that in the beginning you do a minimum of 6 (I prefer beginners do 8) 20 minute activation layers, with a timer.

Most do not use or honour the timer.

And most give up within the first 2 activation layers.

And recently I discovered the importance of 8... It becomes a piece of pi.

If you're not learning the system on a book not relating to school work or formal educational studies. Then you're taking the long road to learning the system.

Start with a book of 200 maximum 250 pages on a subject you are interested in. Non fiction. PhotoRead it with a purpose. Postview to build your curiosity and form questions then proceed to activate with questions and activate a minimum of 6, 20 minute activation layers (I really prefer you do 8).

If the book doesn't come together in the first 2 layers, so what? I don't expect it to for a beginner learning on their own. You'll be finished when it gels.

Don't worry the giving up habit affects normal reading as well. Research I encountered in 1996 found that nearly all books bought are only read to the 3rd chapter before they are shelved. A Researcher went as far as putting $5 in the back of a number of books along with a note to contact him when they found it. The books were borrowed a number of times from the library. He was able to retrieve his money at the end. I understood he left the money in the books over a year. And checked that the money was still there.

There has been additional research and it's been demonstrated again that most books are shelved before they have been read beyond the 3rd chapter or 90 to 120 minutes of reading. Approximately 45 pages into the book. 2.5 minutes is the average reading time per page.

In other words, if you do two activation layers and quit you're giving up before the average reader gives up the book.

In my experiment it wasn't really until the 3rd activation layer I started seeing the information building.

And it gets better. With experience you build the body mind connection and you can finish books in one 20 minute activation layer.

What makes it hard is the program that was trained into us by school. No one actually taught us to read. They taught us how to memorise words. Not how to read for meaning.

Reading for meaning... How to.

Establish a purpose, What you want to know and why you want to know it.
Keep it in mind while activating
Take regular breaks. The longer your activation layer the greater the likelihood that you've gone off the garden path away from your purpose. And are reading to be entertained.
