Failing at the dictionary game????

It's just a game.

You have been putting way too much pressure on yourself and that interferes with you learning the system. I see fear and I also see all or nothing thinking. You have an expectation that you have to get it all and you have to get it all on the very first pass. It is an unreasonable expectation. Your expectation if out of whack. Also expecting to get it all on the very first pass is a very passive ineffective technique. You probably don't even get credit or acknowledge when you get a small success.

There is a reason why Paul Scheele designed Photoreading to include the Accelerated Learning state. He knew and understood that stress and fear interfered with learning and become a distraction. Instead of focusing on what you want to get from a book you focus on what you don't want and it takes you away from focusing on getting what you want from a book.

Alex said something that was HUGE and I would listen very carefully to this many photoreaders give up too soon when they are first doing an activation pass and they don't think they are getting anything from the activation pass. The problem is if they would just stick around and not give up they would eventually get more and more on the subsequent activation passes and get the successes they were looking for.

Stress, pressure and fear interfere with learning.
