Today is the 14th day of my 30 days -30 books challenge.

Experience so far is not quite satisfying. What irks me is, how to form questions from a paragraph you are not aware about and seek answers from it!?
ex.. I find a term interesting as per my purpose- 'structures' . Now, there I can form a huge number of questions from this single word that suits to my purpose. eg- what kind of structures are mentioned? how are they related to the main argument? what has structures to do with exploitation? The single word has me thinking for so many questions... and this is mere an example.

It becomes very tiresome and time consuming to find answers to all of these questions. Sadly, most of the questions go unanswered. and at the end of the entire activation session, you only have a couple of questions answered and total pages you have progressed is 5 or 6.

So I have been wondering is it necessary to ask so many questions? because When I jumpstart my activation with 4 questions, I get just a little information. With increased number of activation, the information generated in very less. The last book I activated about preparing soil for gardens, took me 21 activation layers and at the end I had to read it from starting to comprehend it as per my purpose.

I am just unable to dig out a lot of information with a few questions even when I spend more time with the books and I seriously need some help to cover a lot of information. I am not happy with the questions- answer technique. Are there other alternatives to question- answer approach for activation? I am in serious need.

thank you.