1. you only do one activation layer... you're skipping a lot of the system. Do more layers.

2. How long are the activation layers. Drink more water, Have a purpose. Boredom makes you sleepy and without a purpose you're open to boredom.

3. See number one. PhotoReading won't improve if you choose to be lazy.

4. Do more PhotoReading, you can be surprised.

5. Then why haven't you been doing it? With PhotoReading I'm sure you can do it a lot better. See Number one.
PS.Just don't know how to quote like you.

Experience smile and it's okay.

Hit reply from the tabs under my message you'll see the advanced reply box. It lets you do more with the message you write. Experiment with it.

I just use the codes in the quick reply box because I know them. wink
