I am activating chapterwise. And therefore, before each chapter I am postviewing for 10 mins or so to form mind probing questions.

Okay, so I have not missed it, but there comes a time when I require to go through all information to make sure I have got it.
Example- with respect to my mind probing question- how would I describe functions of sclelenchyma cells?
So I jump to a paragraph that describes functions of schelenchyma cells. And I dip in. While doing this, I also notice I also need information on characteristics and formation of those cells. So in the next layer, I cover it. Then again I see something that wants me to have a look at it. This goes on and it takes me very long time to activate one single chapter.

A broader question gives too much to dip in and a very short one gives only a little information. This becomes troublesome.
With dense academic text, it also becomes difficult to form as many question to cover all the ideas.