that's why i used my daughters learning experience analogy,the method to get the knowledge will not change.there is no other way.we simply keep searching for more.Alex must have posted this advise in so many forums ,its up to you to keep trying and not getting "tired of trying".cause when you make the connection thats it ,it's yours!!!we dont know why some people take many days and months to understand anything and some people take very little time to learn.i find it very hard to learn languages but maths ,i just needed my teacher to tell me once and zap i had it ,i knew how to use it.I dont know why ?i am not great genius and i have not contributed to society but some things we get it and something we dont.the best thing is to believe and keep trying and keep reviewing your experiments asking yourself did i learn, did some words get me the whole meaning of a para ,of a page ,of a text ,did i get the answer to my question?how is all this text structured ?how is the main idea being dealt?what themes are being explained here?a few words, a sentence will answer that and that's it that's what opens up an entire text for us.And you do it again and agian and again till its second nature.hope this helps!!!