Hi Quinn and Winnie!

Many apologies for this very tardy response!

The 120% happy person can be someone from real life, a fictional character, a cartoon character, an animal, a plant or even an “inanimate” object. I’ve spoken with customers who have had great results from just about anything you can imagine. Generally it’s good to use whatever pops into your head first, no matter how ludicrous or odd it seems.

Sometimes, as the story develops the 120% happy entity has morphed into someone else or a group of someones. Just trust the process and let it evolve.

In the live Future Mapping events I have attended it has been some of the most “off the wall” 120% happy characters and subsequent stories that seem to have generated the most profound results. I think one of the challenges with this course is that we are using a right brain process to access and generate left brain solutions. That dichotomy can seem a little disjointed and it’s when we really get into playing with what comes up that we step out of the box and into the creative flow.

Pete Bissonette and I were speaking about this a few weeks ago and we did a video about how important it is to let your “inner child” come out and play. It is posted under the Blog tab on www.learningstrategies.com.

I have also had great results using my Higher Self as my 120% happy person. Sometimes using another person just doesn’t work for me, because it seems as if it’s just another “should” on my already too long “to do” list. I find myself less overwhelmed and much more balanced when my Higher Self is who I’m trying to fulfill.

As far as the time period covered by your Future Mapping charts, the variety and possibilities seem endless. I’ve done a three month map, which I then chunked down to monthly, weekly and daily maps. I’ve also done maps for specific meetings and circumstances that were just a few hours long. I’ve been experimenting with doing Future Maps as a weekly planner with five horizontal segments instead of three.

Another way I’ve been using the maps is as part of a daily or weekly review. I lay the maps out side by side and see the trends, obstacles that came up, challenges that I might have preferred to handle differently, etc. In our Effortless Success Course Jack Canfield makes the statement that “What gets measured gets improved.” I find the completed Future Maps really useful for getting an overview and seeing the trends that are working (or not!). From that place I can discern what changes would be productive and implement them.

For a specific task or challenge, I’ve used the regular three section chart with the headers being variations of the phases of Organizing, Doing and Being (not necessarily in that order).

There are so many possible permutations with this course, but the above are ones I’ve either used effectively myself or received positive feedback about from other people who are using Future Mapping.

All the best to you as you continue to play with your course. Let us know what works for you and we’ll add it to the menu!

Much love,

Last edited by Wendy_Greer; 10/14/15 04:44 PM.